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Anonymous Questionnaire

The following pages contain the anonymous questionnaire that was filled out by the participants in the user study after doing the testing, described in Section 5.4. The answers that participants gave on this questionnaire are included in Appendix F.

Thank you for taking part in my user testing. During or after your use of the system, please answer the following questions by either circling the appropriate answer, or writing in the space provided.

Answers you give here are completely confidential, and will not be seen until all the user testing is finished and all answer sheets have been gathered together.


Have you used or seen this system before?
No Seen Used
How much do you normally use computers?
Never All the time
0 1 2 3 4 5

What is your occupation?

$\textstyle \parbox{0.95\linewidth}{
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What is your overall impression of this system?


What did you find to be the best parts of the system?


What did you find to be the worst parts of the system?



Have you ever used any other formula entry systems before? (For example: Microsoft Word, Mathematica or LATEX) Yes No

If you answered ``No'' to the previous question, please skip the remainder of this section and go onto the to the comments section.

Which other systems have you used?

$\textstyle \parbox{0.95\linewidth}{
\ \hrule

How regularly do you use the other systems?
Never All the time
0 1 2 3 4 5
How would you rate the style of interaction of this system against others you have used?
Worse Better
0 1 2 3 4 5

Which aspects of this system made it better than others you have used?


Which aspects of this system made it worse than others you have used?



Are there any other comments that you wish to make?


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Steve Smithies