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Next: Conclusion Up: Freehand Formula Entry System Previous: Morphing of Symbols


This thesis has described and evaluated a system that allows the freehand entry of formulae using a pen and tablet. After entering the formula, it is easy to arbitrarily manipulate it: rearranging, adding or deleting symbols. Once the user has entered the formula to their satisfaction, the system can then generate the corresponding LATEX command string. This command string can then be copied and pasted into the user's LATEX document.

In addition to combining an existing character recogniser and formula parser with new user interface ideas, this thesis has made a number of contributions:

A pen-based approach provides a more natural and familiar interaction method than existing command-string or template-based equation editors. When entering a formula using this system, a user does not have to learn a special language or notation; more importantly, they do no

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Next: Conclusion Up: Freehand Formula Entry System Previous: Morphing of Symbols
Steve Smithies