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All users of the system find it easy to learn and use. The method of entry (pen and tablet) is easily picked up by first time users, the method for correcting grouping (squiggle-select), recognition (pop up menu) and the method for rearranging the formula is also easily learnt, understood, and used.

The use of a writing tablet, instead of keyboard or mouse, as the preferred entry method is seen by users as a positive aspect. In spite of the fact that entry using this system took longer than entry with more traditional tools, such as Microsoft's Equation Editor or LATEX, it was still seen as a preferable method of entry. The pen and tablet is a much more natural way to enter formulae and the interface allows for unrestricted editing of formulae already entered. It is just as easy to make minor or major changes to the contents and structure of the formula. However, there is the issue that the number of home users that own a pen and tablet is small. Writing with a mouse can be difficult and frustrating.

Another strong point of a handwriting based formula entry system is that it does not require any specialised knowledge to use it. The user can just pick up the pen and draw the formula desired on the tablet. Systems such as LATEX require the user to learn a language for the description of mathematical formulae. This system allows users to write formulae in the most natural way possible.

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Steve Smithies