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Error Rates

The following table presents the total number of characters written across all five formulae and the number and percentage of misgrouping and misrecognition errors.

Test Characters Total Total Percentage Percentage
User Written Misgrouped Misrecognised Misgrouped Misrecognised
1 80 8 22 10% 28%
2 97 19 24 20% 25%
3 53 10 12 19% 23%
4 72 8 18 11% 25%
5 66 7 11 11% 17%
6 81 17 16 21% 20%
7 54 9 16 17% 30%
8 80 12 16 15% 20%
All 583 90 135 15% 23%


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Steve Smithies