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Aspects of User Interface Design

There are a large number of publications  that discuss how to design a good user interface, some offering ``standard'' interface design guidelines.

Two conclusions may be obtained from these publications. Firstly, the interface should be consistent with other applications on that platform. Secondly, when a user is required to perform a task, it should be consistent with their computing experience.

For evaluating the effectiveness and quality of user interface designs, Nielsen  has created a list of ten usability guidelines, which summarise most design guidelines.  

The use of colour in a user interface is also an important consideration. While the use of colour can provide a lot of useful feedback to the user, the designer must consider the fact that monochromatic displays are still used, as well as the existence of problems such as colour-blindness. 1 in 11 males and 1 in 300 females are colour blind. 1 in 3 million people have complete colour blindness.

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Steve Smithies